Chicken Cordon Bleu Crescents

March 11, 2012

This is a recipe I found over on Plain Chicken. There are some great recipes over there if you need some new meal ideas. We had this one for dinner last night and it was delish!

Start out by combining the chicken and ham in a bowl. Add just enough of the soup, milk, and cheese mixture to bind it together.

Here's the soup mixture.

Add the chicken/ham filling to the crescent roll, roll them up and place them in a 9x13 baking dish. Please don't judge my crescents, I'm definitely not good at the whole rolling/shaping them thing.

Cover the crescent rolls with the remaining soup mixture and sprinkle a little extra cheese over the top.

Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes until bubbly.

Here's a peek at what you get when you cut into the crescent roll. Yum!

Chicken Cordon Bleu Crescents, adapted ever so slightly from Plain Chicken

3 oz cooked chicken breast, shredded
3 oz cooked ham, chopped
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can of 8 crescent rolls (I used the Big & Buttery kind from Pillsbury)
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup mozzarella cheese, shredded (The original recipe called for swiss, which is the traditional route but we're not huge fans. So use whichever you prefer!)

Preheat oven to 350F.

Spray a 9x13 baking dish with non-stick cooking spray. Mix together milk, soup, and cheese-set aside. Mix the chicken and ham in a small bowl. Add a few tablespoons of the soup mixture to the meat, just enough to bind it together.

Separate crescent rolls into 8 triangles. Top the large part of the triangle with the chicken and ham. Roll crescents up and place into baking dish. Pour remaining soup mixture over the crescent rolls. Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese.

Bake at 350F until bubbly.

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